[izpack-devel] Previous Button -- Any Way To Notify the Panel When "Prev" is Pressed?

Hal Vaughan hal at thresholddigital.com
Tue Jan 17 16:49:31 CET 2006

On Tuesday 17 January 2006 06:25 am, Miraodb wrote:
> Hi hal,
> > I realize that anything that needs to be done in a panel when "Next" is
> > pressed can be put in isValidated().  Is there an equivalent I can count
> on
> > being called if "Prev" is pressed?  Or is there a way to add a listener
> > to the "Prev" button so I can be sure my panel is alerted when the end
> > user moves backward through the panel?
> uhm... i don't see why not !
> Just like for the next button, there should be an easy way to get a
> listener for the prev.
> I never really thought about it but i'm sure it's possible.
> i'll check it out.

I'd think something like putting a boolean method like "movingBack()" or 
"previousPressed()" in IzPanel that always returns true when you can move 
back, so it can be overridden in a Panel class would help.  I know you can 
lock the Prev button, but this would be different.  For instance, with what 
I'm working on, this would give me a chance to take care of a few things 
before the previous panel came up.


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