[izpack-devel] auto_installation ignores ProcessPanel...?

Dominik.S Dominik.S at sekas.de
Thu Jul 13 08:03:18 CEST 2006


when using the autoinstallation it seems to me that the ProcessPanel is
completly ignored... 

Is it necessary to set some extra properties in the
auto_installation.xml in order to have the panel not ignored or is this
a bug (or even a a feature)? 

My auto_installation.xml file (@INSTALLPATH@ is set using ANT):

<AutomatedInstallation langpack="deu">
            <pack index="0"/>
            <pack index="1"/>
            <pack index="2"/>
            <pack index="3"/>
            <pack index="4"/>
            <pack index="5"/>

Regards, dominik

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