[izpack-devel] Trunk Merge Issue

Jeff Gordon jeff.not24 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 20:04:08 CET 2008


I just merged in the latest trunk changes and my UserInputPanels are sized
completely different.  I've been digging through the additions, but can't
seem to find any reason for it.  Attached is a screenshot comparison using
the previous and new trunk code to build the same installer (my
UserInputPanel definition below).

- Jeff Gordon

    <panel order="0">
        <createForPack name="Main Application" />
        <field type="title" txt="Server Settings" bold="true" size="1" />
        <field type="divider" align="top"/>
        <!-- Device Name -->
        <field type="text" align="left" variable="device.name">
            <spec txt="Device Name:" size="25" set="Proxy"/>
        <field type="space"/>
        <!-- UI User Name and Password -->
        <field type="text" align="left" variable="ui.user.name">
            <spec txt="Admin User Name:" size="25" set="admin"/>
        <field type="password" align="left" variable="ui.user.password">
            <pwd txt="Admin Password:" size="25" set=""/>
            <pwd txt="Retype Password:" size="25" set=""/>
          <validator class="
com.izforge.izpack.util.PasswordEqualityValidator" txt="Both admin passwords
must match." id="key for the error text"/>
        <field type="space"/>
        <!-- Device Account and Password -->
        <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="...in ALL products..."/>
        <field type="text" align="left" variable="device.user.name">
            <spec txt="Device Account:" size="25" set="device"/>
        <field type="password" align="left" variable="device.user.password">
            <pwd txt="Device Password:" size="25" set="test"/>
            <pwd txt="Retype Password:" size="25" set="test"/>
          <validator class="
com.izforge.izpack.util.PasswordEqualityValidator" txt="Both device
passwords must match." id="key for the error text"/>
        <field type="space"/>
        <!-- Hostname -->
        <field type="text" align="left" variable="hostname">
            <spec txt="Hostname:" size="25" set="https://localhost"/>
        <field type="space"/>
        <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Comma-separated list of
device names."/>
        <field type="text" align="left" variable="the.devices">
            <spec txt="SMT Devices:" size="25" set="S1,S2"/>
        <field type="space"/>
        <field type="divider" align="bottom"/>
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