[izpack-devel] Trunk Merge Issue

Jeff Gordon jeff.not24 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 21:18:53 CET 2008

This layout issue is fixed with the following patch (I know LEADING and LEFT
are essentially the same, but it was something I tried and is more
consistent with the other panels):

Index: TextInputField.java
--- TextInputField.java    (revision 1998)
+++ TextInputField.java    (working copy)
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@

         com.izforge.izpack.gui.FlowLayout layout = new
-        layout.setAlignment(com.izforge.izpack.gui.FlowLayout.LEFT);
+        layout.setAlignment(com.izforge.izpack.gui.FlowLayout.LEADING);
+        layout.setVgap(0);

         // ----------------------------------------------------

On Jan 23, 2008 11:04 AM, Jeff Gordon <jeff.not24 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just merged in the latest trunk changes and my UserInputPanels are sized
> completely different.  I've been digging through the additions, but can't
> seem to find any reason for it.  Attached is a screenshot comparison using
> the previous and new trunk code to build the same installer (my
> UserInputPanel definition below).
> - Jeff Gordon
>     <panel order="0">
>         <createForPack name="Main Application" />
>         <field type="title" txt="Server Settings" bold="true" size="1" />
>         <field type="divider" align="top"/>
>         <!-- Device Name -->
>         <field type="text" align="left" variable="device.name">
>             <spec txt="Device Name:" size="25" set="Proxy"/>
>         </field>
>         <field type="space"/>
>         <!-- UI User Name and Password -->
>         <field type="text" align="left" variable="ui.user.name">
>             <spec txt="Admin User Name:" size="25" set="admin"/>
>         </field>
>         <field type="password" align="left" variable="ui.user.password">
>           <spec>
>             <pwd txt="Admin Password:" size="25" set=""/>
>             <pwd txt="Retype Password:" size="25" set=""/>
>           </spec>
>           <validator class="
> com.izforge.izpack.util.PasswordEqualityValidator" txt="Both admin
> passwords must match." id="key for the error text"/>
>         </field>
>         <field type="space"/>
>         <!-- Device Account and Password -->
>         <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="...in ALL
> products..."/>
>         <field type="text" align="left" variable="device.user.name">
>             <spec txt="Device Account:" size="25" set="device"/>
>         </field>
>         <field type="password" align="left" variable="device.user.password
> ">
>           <spec>
>             <pwd txt="Device Password:" size="25" set="test"/>
>             <pwd txt="Retype Password:" size="25" set="test"/>
>           </spec>
>           <validator class="
> com.izforge.izpack.util.PasswordEqualityValidator" txt="Both device
> passwords must match." id="key for the error text"/>
>         </field>
>         <field type="space"/>
>         <!-- Hostname -->
>         <field type="text" align="left" variable="hostname">
>             <spec txt="Hostname:" size="25" set="https://localhost"/>
>         </field>
>         <field type="space"/>
>         <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Comma-separated list of
> device names."/>
>         <field type="text" align="left" variable="the.devices">
>             <spec txt="SMT Devices:" size="25" set="S1,S2"/>
>         </field>
>         <field type="space"/>
>         <field type="divider" align="bottom"/>
>     </panel>
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