No subject

Mon Jul 16 11:50:56 CEST 2007

I would rather analyse the situation.
First of all, is there any reason why you use an old version ?
3.6.2 was long time ago and i can assure you that thousands of things
changed since then. you can check the logs for a summary.
Now, i'm not saying installing the newest version would solve your issue,
coz i see also that you use JRE 1.5.
We've been through this discussion many times.
So far IzPack doesn't support 1.5. Meaning that it could work with it, but
we can't assure it for 100% since 1.5 is still buggy and under development.
A good example is that using 1.5.0_06 it fails, but with 1.5.0_03 and
1.5.0_05 everything goes well from what you say.

At this point, i can suggest two things:

- Update Izpack to latest version 3.8.1.
- Either use 1.4.x_yy JRE or 1.5.0_03 and 1.5.0_05 since it seems to be

There's also another point, when you talk about JRE, do you mean the jre
used to compile the installer or to run it ?
It's two different issues.


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