[izpack-users] Maven2-based HelloWorld operation

Mandeep Saini Mandeep.Saini at dante.org.uk
Fri Jul 13 16:54:17 CEST 2007

Hi Nick,

I have written my own maven2 plugin for Izpack according to my 
requirements. I am using standalone compiler as dependency. Please find 
the attachment for documentation of this plugin, to see if it satisfy 
your needs. If you think that it can be helpful for you then I can send 
you the detailed example and code for the plugin.
I have written few more plugins to add custom panels and process panel 
classes into the installer (if you are interested I can send them as well).


> Jason Thrasher wrote:
>> While the old plugin appears to be written for Maven-1, which is
>> documented
>> here: http://maven-plugins.sourceforge.net/maven-izpack-plugin/  Is there
>> a new plugin for Maven2?
> Jason,
> I've got something which could be used as a starting point for a Maven2
> mojo. At the moment its a bit of a hack, but If you (or anyone else) has got 
> time, I would like to see it tidied up and released..., please get in contact 
> with me off list.
> Nick
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Mandeep Saini	
System Engineer

DANTE - www.dante.net

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 371 300 (Ext. 349)
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 371 371

City House, 126-130 Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 1PQ

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