[izpack-users] install pack based on complex conditions (repost)

E.othman othmanelmoulat at menara.ma
Mon Mar 12 09:25:06 CET 2007

many thanks Denis i appreciate a lot your help and will try your solution.
I would appreciate also the second solution you promised to propose for 
this feature:)

also Dennis, i wanted to ask if using a processpanel is the best way to 
automate openoffice exe installer?
well i did that and this is working how ever i have an issue that i need 
to solve:

if user doesn't have oo and choose to install it then i'm launching the 
oo_instller.exe from izpack process panel .how ever in this way i loose 
all control on the other installation wizard of oo installer ..so i 
wonder how i would know the path the user selected to install oo. (i 
need to save this path in a properties file)
well if the oo_installer.exe sets some environment variable holding oo 
home folder then i can write a small java class to get this variable 
.but the question : does the oo installer sets some variable of that kind ?
otherwise i don't see how we can know the target oo path .
what u think ? do you have an idea ?

Dennis Reil wrote:
> Hi,
>> 1.display a UserInputPanel  asking user if he /she wants to install a 
>> pack or not (I'm thinking to use check boxes for this: yes and no)
>> 2. if user decides not to install the pack (checks no); i should ask him 
>> for the path where this pack is currently installed . then i should 
>> validate this path (not empty) if path is empty the installation should 
>> fail (be canceled).if path is correct i should save this path to a 
>> .properties file.
>> 3.if user checks yes (decides to install pack ) then i should display a 
>> ProcessPanel
> There're two possibilities to solve this problem.
> 1. a) Use a PackSelectionPanel
>    b) define a packselectioncondition like this: 
>        <condition type="packselection" id="pack1selected">
>             <packid>pack1</packid>
>        </condition>
>       and the negated one: (in the current trunk, this is optional)
>        <condition type="not" id="notpack1selected">
>              <condition type="ref" refid="pack1selected"/>
>        </condition>
>       Note, that there has to be a pack in install.xml with id pack1
>    c) Use a panelcondition like the following to show the user input
> panel:
>       <panelcondition panelid="pack1pathselection"
> conditionid="notpack1selected" />
>       with the current trunk, you can also write:
>       <panelcondition panelid="pack1pathselection" conditionid="!
> pack1selected" />
> Regards,
>    Dennis
>> I'm new to izpack and need to implement this feature urgently : it would 
>> be nice if some one helps me write the xml configuration files to 
>> implement this feature.
>> your help is greatly appreciated.
>> thanks.
>> othman
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