[izpack-devel] Coding custom components against an IzPack API

Klaus Bartz bartzkau at gmx.net
Tue May 22 20:35:03 CEST 2007

Hi Raz,
sorry, but related to Validator's I cannot say something because
I do not use it. I write custom panels which contains the validation
stuff in it.



Am 22.05.2007, 17:38 Uhr, schrieb Raz Yalov <RYalov at the41.com>:

> Thanks Klaus,
> This is helpful. So maybe my problem was that the first custom element
> I've tried to create was a Validator's implementation which could be
> left out of the installation.jar file. Should it be part of it?
> Thanks again,
> Raz
> ________________________________
> From: Bartz, Klaus [mailto:Klaus.Bartz at coi.de]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 12:11 AM
> To: izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
> Subject: Re: [izpack-devel] Coding custom components against an IzPack
> Hi Raz,
> you need installer.jar of IzPack in your classpath to compile a custom
> panel or a custom action.
> All needed class files have to be stored in jar file which name is that
>> from the panel class (custom actions class).
> You have to store (or copy) the created jar file to %IZ_HOME%\bin\panels
> (%IZ_HOME%\bin\customActions).
> You can use a package path you like for panels or custom actions.
> You can store the sources for them else where.
> I use an ant script for this. Following some parts of it which handels
> panels and custom actions:
> ...
>  <!-- Compile a custom panel -->
>  <target name="compile.custompanel">
>   <echo message="Compiles custom panel ${panel}" level="info"/>
>   <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel-dir}"/>
>   <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel-dir}"
> classpath="${installer.jar}"
>    optimize="on" deprecation="on" debug="${debug}"
>    source="${source}" debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
>    <include name="${panel}*.java"/>
>   </javac>
>  </target>
>  <!-- Make JAR for a custom panel -->
>  <target name="compile.custompanel.finish">
>   <jar jarfile="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel}.jar">
>    <fileset dir="${bin.dir}/panels/${panel}">
>     <include name="**/*.class"/>
>    </fileset>
>   </jar>
>  </target>
>  <!-- convenience: compile simple custom panel and finish it -->
>  <target name="compile.custompanel.simple">
>   <antcall target="compile.custompanel">
>    <param name="panel" value="${panel}"/>
>    <param name="panel-dir" value="${panel-dir}"/>
>   </antcall>
>   <antcall target="compile.custompanel.finish">
>    <param name="panel" value="${panel-dir}"/>
>   </antcall>
>  </target>
>  <!-- Compile all custom panels and put them at the right location -->
>  <target name="build.customPanels" >
>   <antcall target="compile.custompanel.simple">
>    <param name="panel"
> value="com/coi/tools/install/panels/AccountMonoSelectPanel"/>
>    <param name="panel-dir" value="AccountMonoSelectPanel"/>
>   </antcall>
> ...
>  </target>
>  <!-- Listener stuff targets
> **************************************************** START -->
>  <!-- "Normal" listener targets are also now defined here because common
> IzPack
>        build script was changed to macro usage -->
>     <!-- Compile a listener -->
>     <target name="compile.listener" >
>         <echo message="Compiles listener ${listener}"/>
>         <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener-dir}"/>
>         <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
>                destdir="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener-dir}"
> classpath="${installer.jar};${compiler.jar};${izevent.jar}"
>                optimize="on"
>                deprecation="on"
>                debug="${debug}"
>         source="${source}"
>                debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
>             <include name="${listener-include}/${listener}*.java"/>
>         </javac>
>     </target>
>     <!-- Make JAR for a listener -->
>     <target name="compile.listener.finish">
>      <unzip src="${izevent.jar}"
> dest="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener}" />
>         <jar jarfile="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener}.jar">
>             <fileset dir="${bin.dir}/customActions/${listener}">
>                 <include name="**/*.class"/>
>                 <exclude name="**/*${listener-exclude1}*.class"/>
>                 <exclude name="**/*${listener-exclude2}*.class"/>
>             </fileset>
>         </jar>
>     </target>
>     <!-- convenience: compile simple listener and finish it -->
>     <target name="compile.listener.simple">
>         <antcall target="compile.listener">
>             <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
>             <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
>             <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
>         </antcall>
>         <antcall target="compile.listener.finish">
>             <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude1"
> value="${listener-exclude1}"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude2"
> value="${listener-exclude2}"/>
>         </antcall>
>     </target>
>     <!-- simple installer listener -->
>     <target name="compile.installer-listener.simple">
>         <antcall target="compile.listener.simple">
>             <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
>             <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
>             <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude1" value="Uninstaller"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude2" value="_NO_MORE_EXCLUDES_"/>
>         </antcall>
>     </target>
>     <!-- simple uninstaller listener -->
>     <target name="compile.uninstaller-listener.simple">
>         <antcall target="compile.listener.simple">
>             <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
>             <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
>             <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude1" value="Installer"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude2" value="_NO_MORE_EXCLUDES_"/>
>         </antcall>
>     </target>
>     <!-- simple compiler listener -->
>     <target name="compile.compiler-listener.simple">
>         <antcall target="compile.listener.simple">
>             <param name="listener" value="${listener}"/>
>             <param name="listener-dir" value="${listener-dir}"/>
>             <param name="listener-include" value="${listener-include}"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude1" value="Installer"/>
>             <param name="listener-exclude2" value="Uninstaller"/>
>         </antcall>
>     </target>
>  <!-- Listener stuff targets
> **************************************************** END -->
>  <!-- Compile all custom actions (listener) and put them at the right
> location -->
>  <target name="build.listener" >
>   <antcall target="compile.compiler-listener.simple">
>    <param name="listener" value="PermissionCompilerListener"/>
>    <param name="listener-dir" value="PermissionCompilerListener"/>
>    <param name="listener-include"
> value="com/coi/tools/install/listener"/>
>   </antcall>
>   <antcall target="compile.installer-listener.simple">
>    <param name="listener" value="InitDBInstallerListener"/>
>    <param name="listener-dir" value="InitDBInstallerListener"/>
>    <param name="listener-include"
> value="com/coi/tools/install/listener"/>
>   </antcall>
> ...
> Cheers
> Klaus
> 	-----Ori  ginal Message-----
> 	From: izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de
> [mailto:izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Raz Yalov
> 	Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 9:01 PM
> 	To: izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
> 	Subject: [izpack-devel] Coding custom components against an
> IzPack API
> 	First, sorry if this is the wrong list for this question.
> 	In short: is there an official "izpack-api.jar" exposed to
> enabled development of custom elements (panels, validators etc.) outside
> the IzPack project context?
> 	Details: I would like to create as part of my product's project
> an izPack-ext.jar that will hold customized code I've written to enhance
> my IzPack setup but I want to maintain and build this in the context of
> my product's baseline and not within IzPack project.
> 	I couldn't find any kind of "izpack-api.jar" type of file that
> holds all the interfaces that are needed in order to compile your own
> extensions.
> 	Is the only expected way to add custom elements is by adding
> them to a local copy of the entire IzPack project?
> 	Any ideas/direction would be appreciated.
> 	Raz
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